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Acts of Kindness: Men Building Resilience Through Compassion
Discover the transformative power of kindness in men’s mental health. Small acts of kindness can be pivotal moments, offering connection and hope. Explore how kindness fosters resilience, reduces stress, and enhances relationships. Despite societal barriers, embracing kindness is a courageous act that strengthens emotional well-being and challenges traditional masculinity. By practicing self-compassion and extending kindness to others, men can redefine strength and cultivate a supportive community.
Healthy Selfishness for Men: Lessons from the Male Emperor Penguin
In a world that often pressures men to sacrifice their own needs for the sake of others, the story of the male emperor penguin offers a powerful lesson. Much like the penguin’s extreme endurance to protect the next generation, men too often overlook their own well-being in the pursuit of duty. However, true strength lies in embracing healthy selfishness - taking care of oneself in order to show up fully for the people and responsibilities that matter most. Learn how balancing self-care and selflessness can lead to a more fulfilling, resilient life.
The Assertive Man: 11 Actions to Develop the Skill of Assertiveness
In a perfect world, every person would always feel seen, heard, understood and respected. You wouldn't have to compete for attention, plead for what you want, or fight against what you don't. But…
The Riddle of Trust: A Man’s Relationship with Trust & Risk
Here’s a riddle for you: Q: What’s extremely valuable, risky to give, hard to receive and sometimes impossible to repair once it’s been broken? A: Trust! The concept of trust is…
Relationships | Tips, Tools & Tactics to Support Someone with a Mental Health Issue – Part 2
Having a structured plan to care for yourself while you’re caring for another is vital. Here are 6 tactics to consider as you develop your caregiver plan. Tactic 1: Set and communicate…
Supporting Someone with a Mental Health Issue – Part 2
Supporting someone you care about who’s struggling with a mental health issue can be challenging and stressful. And for men who have no prior caregiving experience or are uncomfortable…
Tips, Tools & Tactics to Support Someone with a Mental Health Issue
While learning how to support a loved one who’s experiencing a mental health issue can take time and effort, your involvement is a critical part of their recovery. Research shows that…
How to support someone struggling with a mental health issue - Part 1
Over the years I’ve had a lot of clients come to therapy, not because they themselves are struggling with a mental health issue, but because their significant other or some member of their…
Tips, Tools & Tactics to Reduce Loneliness & Social Isolation
There are several practical steps guys can adopt to address the experience of social isolation and loneliness. While it’s quite possible to work through the following steps on your own…
How Guys Make Meaningful Connections and Stop Going it Alone
The Impact of Isolation and Loneliness on Men’s Mental Health. As an inherently social species, humans have a basic need to belong – to a tribe, a village, or a community…
The Shadow Side of “Mr. Nice Guy” & The Hazards of Appeasing
From an early age, we are taught the social importance of putting others before ourselves. We’re told to share our toys, say we’re sorry even when we’re not and to…
Men and the Problem with Being Problem Solvers
He: Damn it, just let me help you! You keep going on and on about this and you don’t seem to want to do anything about it!
She: I’m not asking for your help! It’s not a problem…